I bought a book of counted cross stitch bookmarks. Dang it, if I don't like like every darn one of them! However, just like always, counted cross stitch has reminded me that I can't count...
I'm always off by 1 or 2, okay maybe 3 or 4 stitches. No, you're right, it got worse. But, if you don't know what it's SUPPOSED to look like...
Cute, though. Right?
This one is way prettier in real life. I shouldn't have taken the picture with the dirty, white background. There's another one started that may or may not see the light of day.

I decided to make my nieces and nephews Advent Calendars, too. Now, the plan was to be done in November so that they could be shipped in time to have them for the month of December.
Then I laughed, and I laughed.
Without getting too personal, one of my kids spent about a week in the hospital. All creativity stopped. We're back, we're getting healthier by the day but we are behind on creativity. As a whole, the stress level has been at maximum. Heather is barely functioning as a human any longer. I did get a lot of baking done until my kitchen floor got flooded, twice. But whose counting, right? Not me, because I can't...
This is a terrible picture but I like this one so much that it may replace the one we use at our house. I've been noticing this year that my skill level has improved a lot since the beginning. I kind of want to toss out my early work and replace it with better stuff.
This one is great, too. Don't get too excited but I was able to free motion quilt these without too much trouble from my machine!
There's one more that needs to be quilted. I can't upload the picture for some reason. It's a teddy bear riding a rocking horse. I bought the backer fabric a month ago and have NO IDEA where I put it. It's probably in the same spot as Ethan's expensive computer part that I can't find. At least, I'm ahead of the game for next year. It's just going to have to be Bah Hum Bug from Aunt Heather this year. Sorry, guys. Too much is, too much. Know what I'm saying?
This most excellent project was done my my son Hunter. Isn't he awesome?! Hunter drew that horse himself. I swear, if I could draw that good, I'd be a quilt designer for sure! This was his Ugly Christmas Sweater entry.
And, that concludes our lesson on How Not to Make Christmas Presents. You're welcome.
I love your advent calendars! Did they start as panels?? Here's to a Healthy New Year to the Mantz Fam!