I've been working on a couple of useless projects lately. I've had these cute little scissor keeps pinned on Pinterest for a couple of years. Aren't they the cutest darn things? Completely useless. I don't even own scissors small enough to fit in the strawberry. I really should have taken the photo next to my embroidery scissors to show the scale.
The toad stool isn't as small but I seriously doubt I'll ever bother to put my scissors in it when I'm done with them. They're really more of a cute Christmas ornament. Or, work cubby decoration. Gift tag?
Another Pinterst project I was always going to do was this button lampshade. A few years ago Lisa D. gave me a wet wipes box full of old family buttons. I diligently saved them for just the right project. So, when I got my sewing machine lamp last month, I just knew what had to be done! There's roughly 750-800 buttons on it. I think about 8 hours of stringing buttons. It's really simple but time consuming and thumb/finger crampy. Maybe don't be crazy like me and do it all at once. I did watch a series of documentaries on the English Monarchy that was really interesting, though.
Because I know you want to make one too; I stripped the fabric off of an old lamp shade. Hot glued the frame back together because it was a crappy frame. Then used jewelry wire to weave through the buttons. Small at the top, larger as you go down to help fill in the shape of the shade. Loop the wire over the top and back through the top couple of buttons. Same on the bottom and trim excess wire. Easy peasy, lemon squeazy.
That's all I've got for now. I'm going to try really hard to finish what I've got started but I just bought a new pattern that has me itching to try my hand at ribbon embroidery!
Interesting idea Heather. I have a box or hundreds of buttons and always wonder how I can use them as some are really pretty,