
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Get It Together, Woman!

I think I mentioned last time that I've made a HUGE effort to get my life in order.  I don't know if it's the peri-menopause or the partial empty nesting or the grey hair I found.  Maybe it was the seizing husband...I just have an overwhelming need to get my act together.  I really wish I'd taken before and after pics so you could get the full scope of my situation.  But, you couldn't open this cupboard without stuff falling out and causing bodily harm.  Now, my beads are grouped together by color.  I'm totally geeking out over it!
 I put my lace and rick rack on cards, as you do.  Disaster 2 controlled.
Disaster 3 was so bad, we couldn't open the drawers anymore.  Anyone need a Flash patch?  I have an extra.  Bethany came in and said, "This NEEDED to happen, girl."
I paper pieced the first installment of Stars in Her Crown with Barbara Brachman.  I did it in between appointments and think I should have taken more time.  My points don't match.  I don't know if I printed them correctly.  She sends out a picture and we're supposed to add the 1/4" around a triangle.  I skipped it by cutting the square in half and trying to make that work.  It didn't.
Our Crazy Quilt group decided on our 2019 project and I'm pretty excited about it.  We settled on bird blocks for each month of the year.  A list was made but I've decided to go rogue and do a flamingo instead of a pheasant.  Wild, I know.  Another bonus from cleaning out my studio was to sort through all my cool stuff.  It really sparked my desire to work on crazy quilting again, so I can't wait.

We're actually working on Lovebirds first.  We'll bring the block to the next meeting and work on them at the meeting.  We chose to work on our own projects this time instead of doing a round robin.  That is partially my fault, I think.  I couldn't manage to do my portion on time each month this last year...  Sorry guys.
Doves are actually for January but I may roll it over for next January.  I think we have the option to do 2 this month or roll it over.
Good thing I cleaned out my bead cupboard because I'm about to load up on some random bird paraphernalia!  As you do.
Here's the table runner I made for Jackman's a few weeks ago.  I just got a new bag of things last night to work on for them as well.
Here's a picture of Birthday Girl Carmen in front of the cake I made for her.  These were my first butter cream roses.  Incidentally, Hunter told me the other night that it's the best cake I'd ever made.  Crazy.  It was a Mayonnaise Cake made with a dark chocolate cocoa.  Those WW2 women knew what they were doing!

We also went to a holistic doctor to re-assess our (Rich and my) health.  The dude thinks Rich is healthier than I am!  I call bullshit!  He just had 2 seizures.  I, sir, am seizure free.  He then gave me a new list of foods that my body can't process correctly.  Bleh!  If I only ate what I was supposed to, I'd be as skinny as our Carmen!  That being said, I cut out rice, beans & milk and I do feel better already.  Dammit.

Talk to you soon!


  1. What a fun read - so many interesting things! Your shovel out is obviously going a whole lot better than mine is at the moment. I get one area cleaned up and then make another huge mess. This too shall pass (I hope!). I'll enjoy watching your bird CQ's progress throughout the year and that cake looks SOOOOO good! I really should go and have my food allergies assessed properly but I don't want to (envision moi, on the floor, in full tantrum mode here). I was born extremely lactose intolerant and know I should steer clear of anything with milk. So guess who loves cheese....and ice cream.....and yogurt. Damn the torpedoes - I'm eating them anyway!!!
