Hello, there friends. Long time no type at. Man, I tell you, back to school really got the best of me. They didn't want to go back and I didn't want the drama/ trauma to start up again. It sunk me into a little bit of an artistic dry spell. Okay, fine, I was depressed and stressed. Not to mention people were quitting at work left and right. Which, for me, means losing friends and gaining work. Not a stressfree combo, just as the fall wedding season is underway. Ok, boo hoo, I've had my moment. Time to get on with the good stuff.
My co-worker Michelle asked me to make a quilt out of her daughters old basketball jerseys. Now, this is my least favorite thing to do. Mostly, because it's hard and I'm lazy. I turn people down fairly regularly when they ask me to do t-shirt quilts but I like Michelle and we see a lot of each other at work. She asked me back in the spring, if I remember right. Maybe early summer. I just got to it this last month. Like I said, lazy.

I appliqued her name on the top. Still pretty basic but at least it was something. At first, I was going to use black metallic thread around the letters but I couldn't find black. They had bronze which was the same color as the basketball fabric. I thought it was going to be brilliant. No. It was NOT brilliant. It was, in fact, super tacky. So, I ended up with 10 billion tiny metallic threads all over my life. Plain old black ended up being a better option. I also cut out a little star in the A to match the Hoopstar logo.
Yes, this is laying on top of my car. I happened to be waiting for Ethan at swimming class when I finished the binding. Sometimes you just have to work with what you got.
I gave it to them yesterday and she seemed really happy. I hope so.
There you have it. Hopefully the beginning of a creative fall and winter.