Bethany asked me to make a sun for her. She sent me a picture of something a friend of hers saw in an art show/ museum and said "I want this, but your version." So, Ta Da! Thanks to my Crazy Quilt Group! They pulled together & donated yellow fabrics from their stash. My original thought was to use several fabrics but it turned out terrible. This solid yellow with lots of stitching and beads is much better. There are VERY few bright yellow fancy fabrics in the world...
I started this embroidery to put in a pillow but decided that I liked it all on it's own. I've had this pattern saved for YEARS!
Since I've only been working 3 days a week since December, I've had lots of time to get my UFO's sorted. This is my version of Beloved Baltimore, all quilted up. These are 8" blocks. I gave up at 20. There are 5 more in the pattern but when I'm done, I'm done.I was able to finish the final t-shirt quilt for my DIL, Carmen. Her grandfather had one of the largest tractor collections in N. America, or something like that. It was lots, and lots of tractors. The family divied up his t-shirt collection one Christmas. Carmen asked me to make quilts for her mom, brother and self. It took a year, but I did it! Now, to remember to never do t-shirt quilts again. ALWAYS give them Kim K's #... Domestic machines don't do well with the rubber printing.
Another finish was this Rita Verroca's pattern, Stevie's Quilt. I'm calling it Daughters Three because I embroidered a butterfly for each of my daughters. They got to choose what color butterfly they wanted to be. It's all quilted and hanging in my loft library.
Last but not least, I finished my half of the Splendid Sampler. I did it in reds and pinks so I thought I could use it as a Valentine quilt. The quilting is really minimal, possibly too minimal. After the 2 wall hangings and t-shirt quilt, I couldn't get my machine to free motion quilt without skipping stitches or breaking thread. I guess if it had to happen, at least I got the applique ones done first.
Truman wanted to know why we weren't under the quilt having a cuddle.
I've been rethinking how I spend my time, lately. After so many years of going, going, going with the kids, I just want to slow down. I started last year by closing my shop. I've stopped teaching. I'll probably thin out my schedule more by not attending as many meetings. If you don't see me around as much, know that I'm still around, just refocusing.
Rich and I are headed to Vegas this weekend to celebrate his 50th birthday! Not sure if I'm going to enjoy it that much since I don't drink or gamble but, I'll give it a good try!