Here's my cute Easter bonus block for the Splendid Sampler. Designed by one of my favorite designers, Bunny Hill Designs.
Isn't this one just adorable! It might be my favorite so far. It took me awhile to embroider it but I love how it turned out.
These stars turned out great. I love pretty much everything about this block.
Now, you may know my feelings on paper piecing. I ususally hate it. This one went together pretty easily. I even liked the colors I chose. Then, I measured it. A full .5" too small, WTH? It's paper pieced and I can see the .25 seam allowance, so I know I didn't cut it wrong. It just NEVER works for me! I was so proud of myself, too. Dang it!
And, another disaster. First, I tried stitching the measuring tape details and it was HORRIBLE so I bought preprinted ribbon. Then I inked the words so I couldn't destroy it again.

Then, I finally did another one that I liked. Phew. I'm still several behind but I'll get to it EVENTUALLY.

I did manage to do one block for the Art Nouveau quilt. Which, I love. It was such a joy to get back to hand applique. I'd been trying to cut back to save my forearms. They're doing much better now so I'll just have to make sure I don't over-do.
And, that's that, my friends. Thanks for stopping by!